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HighGreat Innovative Drone Formation Breaks Two More Guinness World Records

Date: 2024-09-06 Author: HighGreat

On September 4th and 5th, Shenzhen HighGreat Innovative Technology Development Co., Ltd. successfully broke two Guinness World Records in Shenzhen Longgang Dayun Sports Center.

Largest Light Image Formed by a DroneHighGreat Innovative Drone Formation Breaks Two More Guinness World Records2.webp

On September 4, 7,998 drones broke the world record for "Largest Light Image Formed by a Drone", bringing a unique visual experience.

HighGreat Innovative Drone Formation Breaks Two More Guinness World Records3.webp8,100 drones lifting off at the same time

On September 5, HighGreat Innovation challenged the limit again, with 8,100 drones lifting off at the same time, breaking the world record for "most drones flying at the same time".

While pursuing a larger scale and number of drone formation performances, the fusion of multiple roles on the aerial three-dimensional stage has become a new development direction, presenting multi-dimensional effects in the air through the combination of multiple models and loads, and promoting innovation and breakthroughs in drone formation performance technology in more scenarios.