The 24th Beijing Winter Olympics

Date: 2022-08-24 Author: HighGreat
The 24th Beijing Winter Olympics
  •  Drone light show from Shenzhen Highgreat

    The opening ceremony of the 24th Olympic Winter Games, was held at the National Stadium on the evening of February 4th. President Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, attended the opening ceremony and announced the opening of the current Winter Olympics. China media group live TV broadcast, Xinhuanet live photo and text Drone light show from Shenzhen Highgreat appeared at both the opening ceremony of the ten-city linkage and the countdown of 24 solar terms.

  • Drone light show from Shenzhen Highgreat

    Shenzhen, Guangdong is the only southern coastal city to appear in warm-up link of the opening ceremony. Shenzhen, which has never snowed before, used drones to form boundless snowflakes through sky to bless the Winter Olympics!

  • Drone light show from Shenzhen Highgreat

    The 2022 Winter Olympics logo and the beloved Winter Olympics mascots, " Bing Dwen Dwen" and " Shuey Rhon Rhon", which are converged by 2022 drones, slowly walked towards us in the night sky.

  • Drone light show from Shenzhen Highgreat

    In the opening ceremony countdown, when showing “awaking of insects” of the 24 solar terms, 2022 drones take off!Zhang Yimou, director of the opening ceremony, said that he will "use the technology to make the show lively, full, ethereal and romantic", and strive to present a romantic, beautiful and warm event to the world, truly achieve simplicity without losing the splendor.. It is a great honor for HIGH GREAT to contribute its own light and heat to this event!

Why take flight if you’re not shooting for the sky?